Day 10: Guy Chandler

Where do you serve at Onward?

Community Group Shepherd

I grew up in a non-Christian family. Even still, at an early age I had a sense that God existed. To me, the world was too big, too complicated for there not to be some kind of divine creator that was in charge, who kept things in order. As a family, we actually attended church a few times, which probably had some impact on me, but we abruptly stopped for some unknown reason by the time I was nine years old. From then on, church and anything God-related weren’t a part of my life. I had a sense of God, but no personal relationship with Him. I had no idea how to become or what it meant to be a Christian.

When I was 15 years old, I met Ronnie Thompson. Ronnie was not a friend, just an acquaintance - really just a classmate. Yet God used him greatly in my life. He invited me to his church.  I would say, “No thanks,” or sometimes say, “Yes,” yet never show up. But Ronnie was relentless. After two months of his weekly pestering, I finally went. That put me on the weekly evangelism team’s list. That meant consistent and very annoying weekly visits by some other teens and a youth leader from this church. Ugh. 

Then one night, I realized how lost I really was. I felt alone. My future was uncertain. I understood I was an enemy of God, yet somehow, He still loved me. I cried out to this God that I thought I knew – rescue me and give my life purpose. Within 30 minutes of my tearful plea, the doorbell rang. Once again, the evangelism team was at the door. But this time was different.  I quickly asked, “How can I become a Christian?”

They shared the Gospel and prayed with me. I couldn’t help but respond to God’s love, the sacrifice of Jesus and the great news of His resurrection. All for me! I was amazed to know that my eternal salvation was a free gift - paid for by Jesus (see Ephesians 2:8)! That night, I gave my life to Him. That’s when my heart became new. That’s where my new life began (2 Corinthians 5:17)!

And what a journey it has been! A life full of ups and downs, blessings and hardships.  But God has always been faithful (Psalm 23:4). Nothing has ever separated me from His love (Romans 8:38). Early in my Christian life, I was discipled well by youth leaders, lay leaders, and selected mentors to understand the importance of Scripture (2 Timothy 3:16), the work of the Holy Spirit in my life (Romans 8:9), and the width, height, and depth of His love for me (Ephesians 3:18). How amazing is the beauty of Christ (see Psalm 27:4)!

I often think of Ronnie Thompson. We never became good friends, but I’m so thankful that the Holy Spirit moved him to relentlessly pursue me. Thoughts of him remind me of how God continues to pursue me even now (Psalm 139:7-12). He wants me to know Him more and more each day. I think of how I might be a Ronnie Thompson to someone. I pray that the Holy Spirit compels and empowers me to share the Gospel - or maybe just lovingly pester someone to come to church - to be loved by others, to hear the Truth, to experience God’s love for them. May we be led by the Spirit to help others taste and see that the Lord is good! Knowing Who He is and what He has done for us, how could we not choose to be so empowered and compelled?


  1. Who has been Ronnie Thompson to you in your life?

  2. How do you think the Holy Spirit is revealing Jesus to you?

  3. How do you feel empowered and compelled by the Holy Spirit to love those around you?