Giving to Onward
Every single dollar stewarded at Onward is part of the “missions budget,” strategically deployed to advance God’s mission here and around the world.
We don't “pass the plate” but that’s not because there isn’t great need. In fact, we have more opportunities than resources at any given time. Rather, we believe this is the best way to facilitate joyful giving (2 Corinthians 9:7, Matthew 6:4).
Let us all prayerfully consider how we might continue to invest in this mission with our hearts and God’s possessions. For more, check out our giving resource page.
Online Giving
A few helpful tips:
*You can set up recurring and one-time gifts
*We accept giving through ACH & debit cards. Note: ACH (checking account) is our highly preferred method of payment because it saves us money on fees, allowing the maximum dollars possible to go directly to ministry use. To give with ACH, you will enter an account and routing number.
*Having an issue? Let us know!
In Person
We have a giving box located in the lobby on Sundays where cash and checks can be securely placed in.
Gifts can be sent by mail or dropped off at the Onward offices:
Onward Community Church, 4659 Coit Road, Frisco, TX 75035
Stock Donations
Stock may be donated to Onward Community Church. Please contact our team if you wish to donate stock or other assets, contact our team so that we can be aware of any activity or pending transfers and handle them properly.
Stock may be donated to Onward by transferring investments to our account at UBS.
Onward Community Church is a Texas non-profit corporation and is exempt from federal income tax under Internal Revenue Code (IRC) Section 501(c)(3). Donors may deduct contributions made to Onward under IRC Section 170. If you have any questions regarding this, please email us.
Onward will send out an acknowledgment of your annual contributions for the previous year no later than February 15 each year. Please inform us of any address changes or other questions via email.
Our budget year is from July 1-June 30. We spend the months leading up to the new fiscal year reviewing our strategic plans, prior year spending, and having each ministry & staff leader create budgets. Individual budgets are reviewed by our Operations team. The overall budget is reviewed by the Business Advisory Team and Elders. Ultimately, the elders are accountable for approving the budget.
We host an All Family Huddle a few times a year. During that time, we share our financial snapshot as a campus. Additionally, you are always welcome to reach out with questions and seeking more information!
Last updated October 2023
We are currently working to invest some of our savings in infrastructure improvements aimed at families and Sunday experience. As shared at the last All Family Huddle, we are working to place modulars on our land to create great space for our students and kids to continue to grow. We believe this is a strategic investment in the next five years at Onward.
"Each one must do just as he has purposed in his heart, not grudgingly or under compulsion, for God loves a cheerful giver."
- 2 Corinthians 9:7
We believe the giving of our firstfruits is an act of worship, a way that honors God (Proverbs 3:9) while also living mindfully that ALL we own, not just what we give is the Lord's (Psalm 24:1). God is a giver of eternal gifts (John 3:16, 1 Corinthians 2:12) and temporal (Deuteronomy 8:17-18, James 1:17) and when a follower of Christ freely and joyfully gives away their increase, whether it be money, possessions, time, or talents, they are imitating God. We are excited about your desire to give, not only because of how your gift will allow us to continue to be about our mission of being and making disciples, but also because of what your gift prayerfully communicates to the world about your heart and relationship with God (2 Corinthians 9:12-15) and how investing wisely benefits you (Acts 20:35, Luke 12:33).
Decisions about the allocation of general funds rest with the Elders as they prayerfully seek God’s direction in how to steward resources invested at Onward.
2024 Annual Report
We are humbled by the many people who invested in our mission to glorify God as we enjoy and obey Jesus Christ and help others do the same. We invite you to take a moment to look at our 2024 Annual Report and be encouraged by all God did last year!