Sunday Sermons
This Week’s Sermon
Empowered & Entrusted: Boldness
- A Child is Born 4
- Beyond Resolutions 6
- Christmas 1
- Christmas 2023 2
- Easter 6
- Empowered & Entrusted 6
- Full Calendar Empty Lives 7
- Genesis 10
- Gospel Driven 5
- Holy Habits 4
- James 12
- King of Kings 7
- Malachi 6
- Manifest 11
- Mark: Man on a Mission 15
- Mission & Strategy 5
- More Than A Name 12
- Multiply (Vision 2024) 3
- New Years 1
- One Chapter Wonders 4
- Onward Sermon Series 1
- Philippians 11
- Road to Golgatha 2
- Seasons of Life 7
- Settle In 12
- Stand Alone Message 4
- Stand Firm 6
- Summer in the Psalms 6
- That You May Know 14
In today’s podcast, we explore Acts 4, where persecution led the disciples to pray for boldness, shaping their perspective and strengthening their unity. Instead of fear, they responded with faith, growing closer to God and each other as they advanced the gospel.
In Acts 4, Peter and John boldly proclaimed Jesus despite opposition. Their courage, rooted in their deep love for Him, amazed the religious leaders, who recognized they had been with Jesus. This shows that true boldness in our faith comes from a personal relationship with Christ.
Peter’s Sermon
Peter’s sermon in Acts 3 teaches that true transformation comes not from our own power or piety, but from faith in Jesus. Repentance leads to the forgiveness of sins and restoration, bringing us into a renewed relationship with God. Piety should always point to Jesus, not ourselves.
Acts 2 marks the outpouring of the Holy Spirit at Pentecost. The evidence—wind and fire—stuns the crowd. Peter’s explanation connects it to prophecy and Jesus’ resurrection. The effects are transformative: bold preaching, conviction, and 3,000 new believers, igniting the church’s mission. Today, we must ask—are we exuding the aroma of the Holy Spirit, drawing others to Christ?
The role of an apostle was never about status—it was about faithful service, sacrifice, and a singular focus on the ultimate reward: Jesus. Though few were called to this office, their obedience and dedication continue to impact us today. Their lives remind us that true fulfillment isn’t found in titles but in pursuing Christ and making Him known.
Acts 1:8 reminds us that we are empowered by the Holy Spirit and entrusted with the mission of being Christ’s witnesses. This isn’t just a calling—it’s a divine equipping to share the gospel boldly, starting where we are and reaching to the ends of the earth. We don’t carry this message in our own strength, but in His, living as faithful witnesses to His truth, love, and power.
Welcome to today’s episode! As followers of Christ, we’re all called to live out the Great Commission, and we do so because His love compels us to limit our liberty and preferences. The blessings of obedience far outweigh the sacrifice, and it’s His love that drives us to go, share, and make disciples.
In today’s podcast, we’re exploring the purpose of church membership. Membership at church is about belonging to a community that fosters care, accountability, and spiritual growth. It’s a commitment to support and be supported, to raise up the next generation in faith, and to exercise spiritual gifts for God’s glory. Membership means sharing life together, growing deeper in Christ, and living out His mission as one body.
Jesus Gives Abundant Life
The enemy comes to steal, kill, and destroy, but Jesus came to give—He gave His life so we could have abundant life. This powerful truth from John 10 reminds us of Christ’s incredible love and the fullness of life found in Him.
Light of the World
As we look at John 9, Jesus declares, 'I am the Light of the world.' The Light overcomes the MYTHS that deceive us, the RULES that bind us, and the BLINDNESS that keeps us in darkness. Jesus tackles these beliefs and calls us to see who He truly is.
Living Water
God's love flows to us and through us. In John 7, Jesus makes bold claims about who He is, challenging us to determine if He’s telling the truth. If we believe He is, we’re called to embrace His love—not only for ourselves but as a source of life to share with others.
Bread of Life
Spiritual starvation often stems from three key issues: using Jesus as a means to an end, neglecting to feast on His presence, and forgetting the secure future He’s promised. In this episode, we unpack John 4:47-51 and explore how these struggles can drain our spiritual lives. Discover how embracing Jesus, the Bread of Life, satisfies our deepest hunger and restores our souls.
Our Perfect and Promised Deliverer
In John 6, Jesus provides not just for our needs but in abundance, offering Himself as the Bread of Life. He is our peace in every storm, reminding us He’s in the boat with us, and our promised Deliverer who gives eternal life.
Case from Christ: Equality with God
In John 5, Jesus reveals his divine authority and points to the witnesses that validate him as the Son of God and Savior: God the Father, John the Baptist, his miracles, the Scriptures, and even Moses. Each testifies to his identity, calling us to believe in him for eternal life.
Greater Healing
The Sabbath reveals a deeper heart issue: legalism. While we often rely on rules, Jesus shows that grace—unearned and freely given—is what truly heals. When He restored a man lame for 38 years on the Sabbath, He demonstrated that God’s grace transcends our limitations and rules.
Eternal Life
What does the Bible say about eternal life? Today, we’ll look at John 3 and 4 to see how Jesus navigates this conversation with two different people: Nicodemus and the Samaritan woman. We’ll explore how each of them engages with the topic and responds to the idea of eternal life.
Jesus Solves the Problem
In John 2, Jesus encounters a problem at a wedding: the wine has run out, causing potential embarrassment for the hosts. Rather than simply solving the issue in a conventional way, He transforms water into wine, revealing His power to bring about profound change. By choosing to address the problem through this miracle, Jesus shows His compassion and reveals His divine glory, inviting His followers to see Him as the source of true provision and transformation.