Day 20: Bobby Senter
Where do you serve at Onward?
Onward Kids
The Christmas story of baby Jesus’ birth is one of the widest known tales on the planet, and yet there is something incredibly personal about Luke 2:11, “a Savior has been born to you.”
I grew up in a culturally Christian home attending Easter and Christmas services and occasionally praying before meals. I even went to a Christian camp in Texas many summers. Despite faithful counselors who shared the Gospel with me, I was too consumed with selfish ambitions to submit to anyone, especially the “fabled” Jesus. I did not view Jesus as a personal Savior and never really cared to consider that Jesus was historic.
I did turn to God in dramatic times of need, where fear created a sense of helplessness and I would pray for insurance in case God was real. Throughout high school, college, and young adulthood, God literally spared me from worldly danger where I was close to being on the wrong side of Hebrews 9:27. I had a traumatic 8 days in New Orleans during Hurricane Katrina, a bullet shot that missed my head by 4 inches in South Texas, and countless self-imposed scenarios where drowning, overdosing, and other severe consequences were real possibilities.
My sin birthed a spiral of destruction and to a place in December of 2013 where God revealed himself to me in the midst of depression and loneliness. I had tasted much of what the world had to offer and knew in my core that there either had to be more to life or I didn’t want to continue. I remember waking up after New Years and crying out to the God I was familiar with but had no relationship with that “if You are real please change something.”
God promises us in Luke 19:10 that the Son of Man has come to save that which was lost (me). Literally within days, God used an old friend to point me to a young adult's ministry in Dallas, The Porch, where two individuals clearly articulated Romans 6:23 to my broken, finance major self. The wages of sin is death, but the free gift of God is eternal life in Christ Jesus. God rescued me through his word and quickly blessed me with Christ followers to support me and disciple me on how to be in relationship with the Lord. I started relying on Christ to make decisions in my life rather than go my own way (Proverbs 3:5-6). I started having more meaningful relationships with family, friends, and co-workers. God placed fun opportunities to serve Him and share his love with others around Dallas, Haiti, the office, the golf course, everywhere.
Psalm 103:3-4 conveys that Christ, the Savior, didn’t just redeem our life from the pit, but he also forgives all our sins and in eternity makes all things new. I am grateful for my rescue 10 years ago and that God sent my Savior to Bethlehem that first Christmas Day!
Reflection Questions
1. My family just got back from Disney World. Disney has made a (worldly) empire on retelling the story of good vs evil. Think of your favorite Disney tale…virtually every one has a character impacted by evil and needing rescuing from a hero/Savior. The tales are truly as old as time. Read Genesis 3 in light of Christmas and Luke 2:11 and discuss with your friends or family or journal with your Heavenly Father: Where is the gospel story reflected in your favorite Disney movie?
2. Luke 2:11 details 3 names for Jesus. What are those three names, what do they mean, and why are they important for you?
3. Christmas is a season where many people reflect on their year and spend time with loved ones. Many people do not have that opportunity, or may be missing loved ones this Christmas. Who can you reach out to to encourage, serve, and be personally the hands and feet of Christ to this year? If you are one of those folks who is in the middle of struggles now or in 2024, please let us know how we can come alongside you to serve!