King Josiah: The Young King

Series: King of Kings

Todd Wagner| February 19, 2023

Todd Wagner continues our King of Kings series talking about the youngest king. King Josiah was 8 years old when he became king, but he shows that you are never too young to make a difference. Todd reminds us that we are also never too old to live differently. Revival is born from an open Bible, a tender heart, and busy hands.

Scripture References: 1 Timothy 4:12, Deuteronomy 5:27-33, Joshua 1:7-8, John 1:12-13, Exodus 34:6-7, Deuteronomy 17:14-20, James 1:21-25, Proverbs 13:13-15, Ecclesiastes 12:1, Ecclesiastes 12:13-14, Micah 6:8


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