Mark 15: Cries from the Cross

Series: Mark: Man on a Mission

Connor Baxter| July 30, 2023

Connor Baxter continues in our Mark series with chapter 15. Connor focuses in on the seven cries Christ made on the cross. These cries provide seven truths that we need to search ourselves and determine if we believe them. 

Scripture References: Colossians 2:14, Luke 23:24, Romans 5:6-8, Luke 23:43, John 10:27-30, John 19:26-27, 2 Corinthians 5:21, John 19:28, Psalm 69:21, John 19:30, Galatians 3:13, Isaiah 53:3-6, Luke 23:46, 1 John 4:9-10, John 10:18


Mark 16: The Resurrection


Mark 14: Communion