Prohibition of favoritism

Series: James

Connor Baxter| May 12, 2024

James criticizes the pervasive attitude of favoritism and provides guidance on addressing this hindrance to spiritual development. Embracing others, irrespective of their status or class, is crucial. It entails demonstrating kindness, empathy, and fairness towards all individuals.

Scripture: James 2:1-13

Discussion Questions

1. How closely does Onward’s congregation reflect the socioeconomic and racial neighborhood in which we gather? Should we be concerned with this perception? 

2. In what ways do you consciously or unconsciously favor people in your life? Do you notice this happening at Onward? 

3. What can we do to be completely free from being impressed by the wealth or power of others?

4. Were you able to follow through with Connor’s charge of applying the “Royal Law” 5 times per day? What was different about your life? 


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