
Series: James

Jeff Hewitt | May 26, 2024

In this episode, we dive into James 3 to uncover the profound impact of our words. Learn about the importance of taming the tongue, the dangers of careless speech, and how our words can shape our faith and relationships. Join us for practical wisdom on using speech to build up rather than tear down.

Scripture: James 3: 1-12

Discussion Questions

1. The words from your mouth show your character. Specifically, how have your words shown that you are a disciple of Christthis past week? (Luke 6:45)

2. Your mouth has the power of life & death in it. How are you using that power to encourage or tear down the people that are around you? (Proverbs 18:21)

3. As a Christian, your character is being renewed daily. Are the words coming out of your mouth showing that to be the case?  How might community pray for you to be renewed this week? (James 3:9-12)




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