Psalm 121

Series: Summer in the Psalms

Chris O’neal | August 4, 2024

Psalm 121 is a comforting song of trust in God's protection. It begins by affirming that our help comes from the Lord, Maker of heaven and earth. It explains how He helps us: with constant, vigilant care, never sleeping, and shielding us from harm. The psalm reassures us that God’s help is always present, both day and night, providing continual protection throughout our lives.

Scripture: Psalm 121

Discussion Questions

1. In moments of difficulty or weakness, do you trust that God is actively with you? Are you worshiping with songs of remembrance or actively grumbling?

2. If you had to evaluate your life, what makes you forget God's deliverance, much like the Israelites did before crossing the Red Sea? (Examples could be fear, distraction, ambition, success, money, hardship, etc.)

3. The cross and the empty grave are symbols of Jesus’ promise to keep us in His hands. Take a few moments to pray and place your hope in Him today.


Psalm 34


Psalm 25