Psalm 23

Series: Summer in the Psalms

Chase Haney | July 14, 2024

Psalm 23 depicts God as a caring shepherd who guides and protects us. He leads us to peace and safety, desiring us to experience His provision and comfort. Our role, like sheep, is to stay close to the Shepherd. Through this Psalm, we are assured of God's constant presence and His intention for us to dwell in His goodness and mercy forever.

Scripture: Psalm 23

Discussion Questions

1. Do you view God as your good shepherd? In what ways do you allow Him to actively shepherd your life?

2. How often do you take time to sit and be in the presence of God? If not often or consistently, what steps can you take to prioritize this in your life?

3. When you experience moments loneliness or despair, do you seek God or do you run towards something of the world to numb your pain?


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