Filtering by: “Multiply”

Engaging the East: Hinduism 101 & Loving your Neighbor

Engaging the East: Hinduism 101 & Loving your Neighbor

Frisco is home to people from all over the world.  To do cross-cultural evangelism, we don't have to get on a plane, we can walk down the street.

Join us to learn more about our neighbors, Hinduism, and how to engage with the love of Christ.

Cost will include a meal that we will share together! 

People from Onward who have attended this event in the past said it was worth every moment & great information! 

Register here

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Multiply: Prayer Walk

Multiply: Prayer Walk

Onward's vision for the year is multiply. We are seeking to be a people who live out the Great Commission (Matthew 28:19-20). 

Many of the great missionary and revival movements started with a prayer movement.  We cannot live out multiplication without God's power.  Join us as we walk and pray for Frisco, our neighbors, and chances to share the Gospel.

This is a great event for kids to come along in strollers or walking with! 

Register here!

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