
Series: James

Connor Baxter | June 9, 2024

"Do you not know that friendship with the world is enmity with God?" This powerful message urges us to reflect on our priorities. When we embrace worldly values in any form, we distance ourselves from God. This conflict arises from various aspects of our lives, leading to severe consequences. However, through sincere repentance, we can restore our relationship with God and find true spiritual fulfillment.

Scripture: James 4: 1-10

Discussion Questions

  1. Examine your lifestyle. Is it filled with the pursuit of fleshly and worldly appetites? If so, what are some practical ways for you to fix that?

  2. A friend of God is someone who obeys Him and lives with contentment. How can you apply His word to your life as you follow Him this week?

  3. Repentance is an act of turning from sin and returning to Christ to love and serve Him. Are there any specific sins that you need to walk away from and need prayer for?


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