Slander and Gossip

Series: James

Connor Baxter | June 16, 2024

Today, we explore a crucial topic: the dangers of slander and gossip versus the transformative power of grace and truth. Join us as we uncover how these contrasting forces shape our relationships, communities, and spiritual growth. Let's journey together to understand how to guard our tongues, uplift one another, and embody the grace and truth of Christ in our everyday lives.

Scripture: James 4: 11-17

Discussion Questions

  1. What is your understanding of slander vs. gossip?  If you have done either of these this past week, describe how the Lord convicted you of your sin and what action you took in light of the conviction.

  2. f people were to "read you as the Bible" this week, what would they learn about God and His people?

  3. How have you lived out Eph. 4:29 (“Let no corrupting talk come out of your mouths, but only such as is good for building up, as fits the occasion, that it may give grace to those who hear.”)  this week?  How can you grow stronger in that area next week?


Rich and Restless

