Sunday Sermons
This Week’s Sermon
Empowered & Entrusted: Money
- A Child is Born 4
- Beyond Resolutions 6
- Christmas 1
- Christmas 2023 2
- Easter 6
- Empowered & Entrusted 7
- Full Calendar Empty Lives 7
- Genesis 10
- Gospel Driven 5
- Holy Habits 4
- James 12
- King of Kings 7
- Malachi 6
- Manifest 11
- Mark: Man on a Mission 15
- Mission & Strategy 5
- More Than A Name 12
- Multiply (Vision 2024) 3
- New Years 1
- One Chapter Wonders 4
- Onward Sermon Series 1
- Philippians 11
- Road to Golgatha 2
- Seasons of Life 7
- Settle In 12
- Stand Alone Message 4
- Stand Firm 6
- Summer in the Psalms 6
- That You May Know 14
Marriage, Family & Gender
When we understand what happened in the beginning—how God intricately crafted marriage, family, and gender—it transforms how we live and view the present. These aren't just cultural constructs, but divine designs with purpose. Let’s rediscover what God intended and how that shapes our lives today.
Jesus, the perfect leader, succeeds where Israel failed by fully trusting God's plan, prioritizing His will over personal gain, resisting shortcuts to glory, and demonstrating unwavering obedience without complaint or compromise.
Every life, both inside and outside the womb, is a precious reflection of God's handiwork, endowed with intrinsic worth and dignity. We are each uniquely created by God, with a purpose and value that cannot be diminished. When we trust in God's grace and follow His will, we align ourselves with His perfect plan—a plan that will never harm us but will lead us to the abundant life He desires for us.
We all have a worldview—a lens through which we see and interpret everything around us. But not all worldviews are the same. As followers of Christ, we're called to have a biblical worldview, grounded in Scripture. Colossians 2:8 warns us, "See to it that no one takes you captive through hollow and deceptive philosophy, which depends on human tradition and the elemental spiritual forces of this world rather than on Christ." No matter how we feel or what the world says, we need a biblical framework to think through the issues we face, aligning our thoughts and actions with God's truth.